Open PositionsJoin our team to revolutionize the world of fibre-reinforced plastics together!


We transport and store renewable energy.

We have de­vel­oped a new type of pipe­line made of fiber-re­in­forced ther­mo­plas­tics that al­lows hy­dro­gen to be safe­ly trans­port­ed and stored un­der high pres­sure. In ad­di­tion, we use a patent­ed con­nec­tion tech­nol­o­gy to con­nect the pipes to each oth­er or to con­nect­ing flanges.

Pipelines running through industry complex.
Manometer for pressure measurement of hydrogen.
Solar park with windmills in the background.
Energy storage symbol.
Image of a lake surrounded by trees.

Future Energy Infrastructure

The ex­clu­sive use of re­new­able en­er­gies re­quires a sus­tain­able and flex­i­ble so­lu­tion for ef­fi­cient en­er­gy trans­port and stor­age.

Energy infrastructure with hydrogen as the central energy source.

Our Vision

En­gi­neer­ing, pro­duc­tion and sale of a new type of H₂ pipe­line from a sin­gle source that is sig­nif­i­cant­ly su­pe­ri­or to the cur­rent com­pe­ti­tion in terms of price and per­for­mance.

of pipelines are needed in Europe.
53.000 km
of them do not exist today.
needed to set up the European network.
32 bn. €